Using HTML Forms

One method of converting and serving images that is supported is through HTML forms. HTML forms entails setting up PictServerPro to "parse", or read HTML forms passed to it.

PictServerPro can be configured to read 22 different fields. The program comes with all 22 field names pre-defined. These default settings can be changed at any time through the preferences menus. Currently remote admin does not support changing these fields. Future versions will support this option.

Here is a table listing the 22 fields that are understood by PictServerPro:
FileNameThe name of the file to convert
FileTypeThe type of the file to convert
ResultTypeThe type of conversion to perform1 - 3 (JPEG, GIF, Interlaced GIF)
ScaleThe % to scale the resulting image10 - 500
QualityCompression Quality to use for JPEG's1 - 6 (Low - Lossless)
BitDepthThe bit depth of the resulting image1 - 6 (B&W - Millions)
ThumbnailWhether or not to make a thumbnail of the image0 - 1
DefaultPathPath of file to convertUse [[SERVERPATH]] to use web server's path
OLTextText to overlay on the resulting image
OLFontThe name of the font to use when overlaying text
OLSizeThe size of the text to use when overlaying text
OLModeThe method to use when overlaying text1 - 8 (See GetImage.html for descriptions)
OLBoldFlag for making text bold when overlaying0 - 1
OLItalicFlag for making text italic when overlaying0 - 1
OLUnderlineFlag for underlining text when overlaying0 - 1
OLOutlineFlag for making text outlined when overlaying0 - 1
OLShadowFlag for making text shadowed when overlaying0 - 1
OLCondenseFlag for making text condensed when overlaying0 - 1
OLExtendedFlag for making text extended when overlaying0 - 1
OLHorizontalHorizontal coordinate for starting text overlay
OLVerticalVertical coordinate for starting text overlayBottom of characters of first line of text
OLWidthWidth of rectange to overlay text intoHeight is automatically calculated based on text length

Send a form with a POST action to PictServerPro.acgi with any of these fields in order to retrieve a converted file. See the "GetImage.html" sample file in the dowload as an example.

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Using Suffix Mapping
Scaling Images

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